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SQL Bootcamp Nov2024 by techTFQ


4 weeks


Live Course

Simple, Effective, and Interactive way to learn SQL

Your Instructor

Instructor profile photo

Thoufiq (techTFQ)

Simplify Learning

Course Overview

SQL Bootcamp Nov2024 is a LIVE and Interactive SQL course for complete beginners. This bootcamp covers basic, intermediate, and advanced SQL concepts and includes 6 SQL CASE studies / Projects, 100+ SQL problems, and 50 SQL Interview problems.

Bootcamp details

  • Starts on 30-Nov-2024
  • Timing: 17:30 IST (India time), 07:00 Eastern Time (US time), 13:00 CET
  • 10 live & interactive sessions of 3 hours each
  • Every Saturday and Sunday from 30th Nov until 29th Dec
  • Recordings will be available
  • Cost is $30 USD (INR 2,400)
  • 6 SQL Case studies / projects
  • Solve 100+ SQL queries
  • Solve 50 SQL Interview problems

Who is the bootcamp for?

  • Anyone willing to learn SQL from scratch.
  • Anyone with basic SQL knowledge and wants to solidify your intermediate and advance skills.
  • Anyone who wants to get hands on experience solving SQL queries.

Which job roles can benefit from this bootcamp?
Job roles such as data engineer, data analyst, data scientist, database developer, software engineer, BI analyst, business analyst, quality analyst, SQL developer etc.

What are the pre-requisites for taking up this SQL bootcamp?

  • A computer (Desktop or Laptop)
  • Fast & reliable internet connection.


Course Contents

  1. Introduction & Pre-requisites
    1. Course Introduction
      1. Welcome message
      2. What will you learn in this course?
      3. Who is this course for?
    2. Introduction to SQL
      1. What is Data?
      2. What is Database?
      3. How is data stored in database?
      4. What sort of database are we using?
      5. What is SQL?
      6. Why do we use SQL?
      7. What is a Schema?
    3. Installing database and IDE
      1. Which database should you choose? This course is applicable to which database?
      2. Install PostgreSQL in Mac and Windows
      3. Install PgAdmin too in Mac and Windows
    4. Exercise/Practice
      1. Create new database & schema
  2. Basic SQL
    1. SQL Commands
      1. DDL (Data Definition Language)
        1. CREATE
        2. DROP
        3. ALTER
        4. TRUNCATE
      2. DML (Data Manipulation Language)
        1. INSERT
        2. UPDATE
        3. DELETE
        4. MERGE
      3. DCL (Data Control Language)
        1. GRANT
        2. REVOKE
      4. TCL (Transaction Control Language)
        1. COMMIT
        2. ROLLBACK
        3. SAVEPOINT
      5. DQL (Data Query Language)
        1. SELECT
    2. Data Types
      1. INT
      2. VARCHAR (TEXT)
      3. DATE
      4. FLOAT (DECIMAL)
      5. BOOLEAN
      6. IDENTITY column (Auto Increment)
    3. Constraints
      1. Primary Key
      2. Foreign Key
      3. Unique
      4. Check
      5. Not Null
      6. Default
    4. Exercise/Practice
    5. Operators in SQL
      1. Arithmetic Operators ( + , - , / , * , % )
      2. Logical Operators ( AND , OR , NOT , EXISTS , IN , LIKE , ANY , ALL , BETWEEN , SOME)
      3. Comparison Operators ( = , <> , ! = , < , > , < = , > = )
    6. CASE Statement
    7. Important SQL Clause
      1. DISTINCT
      2. ORDER BY
      3. LIMIT (TOP)
      4. UNION , UNION ALL
    8. INNER Join
    9. CASE Study /Project - 1 (Solve 30 basic SQL problems)
  3. Intermediate SQL
    1. Group By & Having clause
    2. Aggregate functions
      1. MIN , MAX , SUM , COUNT , AVG
    3. Order of Execution
    4. Normalisation in SQL
      1. 1NF
      2. 2NF
      3. 3NF
    5. CASE Study /Project - 2 (Solve 10 SQL problems)
    6. Sub-Queries
      1. Scalar Subquery
      2. Multi-row subquery
      3. Correlated subquery
    7. CTE table (WITH clause)
    8. All types of JOINS
      1. LEFT Join
      2. RIGHT Join
      3. Full Join
      4. Cross Join
      5. SELF Join
      6. NATURAL Join
    9. CASE Study /Project - 3 (Solve 10 SQL problems)
    10. In-built functions in SQL
      1. Date Functions
      2. String Functions
    11. CASE Study /Project - 4 (Solve 10 SQL problems)
    12. Window functions
      1. RANK
      2. DENSE_RANK
      3. ROW_NUMBER
      4. LEAD
      5. LAG
      6. FIRST_VALUE
      7. LAST_VALUE
      8. NTH_VALUE
      9. NTILE
    14. CASE Study /Project - 5 (Solve 20 SQL problems)
  4. Advanced SQL
    1. Recursive SQL Queries
    2. PIVOT table, CROSSTAB function
    3. Materialized Views
    4. Stored Procedure
      1. Variables
      2. Parameters
      3. IF Statement
      4. Exception handling
      5. Loop statements
      6. Print statement
    5. User Defined functions
    6. CASE Study /Project - 6 (Solve 5 SQL problems)
  5. Interview Problems
    1. 30 Interview problems
      1. 20 easy
      2. 20 medium
      3. 10 hard

What you’ll get out of this course


Get hands on experience solving SQL Queries


Learn basic, intermediate and advance SQL concepts


Solve realistic SQL interview problems


Practically learn SQL solving over 100 queries


Clarify doubts during the live class


Solve SQL assignments


Live and Interactive way of learning


Hear From Other Students

This course was amazing!
Profile picture

John Doe



Your Instructor

instructor photo

Thoufiq (techTFQ)

Simplify Learning

Frequently Asked Questions

Which database will be used?

What will I learn in this course?

Will recordings be available?

How long will the recordiings be available?

What are the pre-requisites for taking this bootcamp?

How is this bootcamp different from your previous bootcamp?

How is this bootcamp different from your free YouTube videos?

What happens if I miss a live class?

Will I be getting learning materials?